How It Works
The Non Invasive Liposuction Procedure
The laser lipo procedure begins with the doctor placing four paddles containing a total of 36 medical diode lasers directly on the skin over the targeted fat areas as you simply lay back and relax. The entire laser lipo procedure is completely painless. Depending on the area to be treated, and how much fat you want to lose, the medical lasers will be repositioned 2 or 3 times during the treatment session over your most troublesome fat pockets. Each laser lipo procedure lasts generally about 30 minutes.
The laser lipo procedure is illustrated below showing how fat leaves the adipose cells in targeted areas. The specific wavelength of laser light is bioactive and the laser energy is able to change the permeability of the adipose cell membrane, commonly known as the fat cell. As the permeability of the adipose cell membrane is changed, the adipose cell releases its contents of free fatty acids, glycerol, and water. This is a natural process similar to the process by which exercise creates fat loss by encouraging the fat to leave the adipose cells.

Stage 1 of Non Invasive Liposuction
First Stage of the Laser Lipo Procedure
During the first stage of this noninvasive liposuction procedure, laser energy is emitted by the Lapex BCS Lipo Laser to safely penetrate the patient’s skin. This is done at a specific wavelength of 658 nanometers, targeting the adipose tissue, or fat cells.

Stage 2 of Non Invasive Liposuction
During Stage 2 of Laser Lipo Procedure
During stage 2 of the laser lipo treatment adipocytes receive the electromagnetic energy. After a few minute transitory pores begin to form on the surface.

Stage 3 of Non Invasive Liposuction
During Stage 3 of Laser Lipo Treatment
When enough energy is absorbed by the adipocytes, water, glycerol, and free fatty acide start to leak out through pores, and into the interstital space. As the adipocytes release these substances into circulation, their size shrinks resulting in inch loss and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
Laser Lipo Procedure Targets Specific Areas
The difference between traditional liposuction and noninvasive lipo is that it safely expedites fat loss using lasers. The key to the laser lipo procedure is that it can TARGET and SHRINK fat in specific areas on your body. Simply put, the laser lipo procedure can contour and reduce stubborn fat deposits much more effectively than only diet and exercise.
Contact Albuquerque Laser Lipo today to get 100% guaranteed results with laser lipo.